Hoover Wilderness:
Backpacking the Twenty Lakes Basin

We must take adventures in order to know where we truly belong

If someone asked me what kind of life I wanna live, my answer would be: I want to live the kind of life I live, chasing dreams and living outside of my comfort zone.

I think one of the key points to be happy is the ability to create challenges for oneself. I love to spend time in Wilderness, it is for me a true and positive environement in which I find inspiration for my life and where I can physically and mentally challenge myself!

If you are an European reader, maybe you don't know what Wilderness is...Wilderness areas should not be subject to human controls and manipulations that hamper the free play of natural forces. Freedom is an essential quality of Wilderness.

You can find here all the rules for humans in Wilderness areas click here

I spent 2 days in Bears Land hiking (11 miles) and backpacking on the paths of John Muir in a Wilderness Area of Sierra Nevada .

The adventure

We were 17 adventurers from San Francisco Bay Area and from Los Angeles on Saturday morning at Saddlebag lake trailhead parking.

The big surprise of this backpacking was the snow. It was the first snow of the season in Sierra Nevada, though on the last day of summer (9/22 is fall equinox).

With the microspices in our shoes we started to hike to twenty lakes basin. At some points there were more than 20 cm of snow. We set up ou camp at 3:30PM. At 6:30PM the sun was gone and the cold started to take over. At night the temperature was -6 ° C. The night at camp was quiet. Because of the temperature below zero, the next morning my shoes were frozen, even my water ... I had to wait for the sun to do its job before drinking and putting on my shoes ;)

Backpacking is always a great time for sharing, helping, laughing... ;) You bring with you only things you really need (or learn to do so) and this is a nice rule of life!

Thank you Deepak for organizing this adventure and bring me with you. Thank you Mike and all the adventurers <3

Hoover Wilderness: Backpacking the Twenty Lakes Basin
Hoover Wilderness: Backpacking the Twenty Lakes Basin

Thanks for your reading!
